Keith D. Smith Concrete Contractor, Inc. had the pleasure of hosting a group of 19 seventh grade students from Emory H. Markle Middle School on March 30, 2022. This is a part of the programming at EHMMS to give students exposure to career areas of interest via real life community business visits. Students traveled through two stations during their ninety minute visit, where they learned about Keith Smith Concrete as a business, work place safety, services provided, and what a day in the life of a concrete tradesman looks like. They also had the opportunity to get on, manipulate, and learn about various pieces of large equipment used in concrete construction. A big THANK YOU to EHMMS Guidance Counselors and Staff for providing real, experiential learning opportunities for students, to help them determine a future career path that fits best for them. Owner, Keith Smith says “It’s always a great day when we can host the younger generation to share about our love and passion for what we do every day. It is our hope that these students will continue their interest in our trade and pursue a career within or related to concrete construction some day.” There are so many opportunities, at all different levels, for individuals who desire a career in our field of construction. Concrete construction, along with many jobs within the skilled trades often provide on the job training, great wages, great benefits, job stability, and room for growth within their profession.